Oct 31, 2010

Is Yemeni Girl Student Victim of Terrorist Bomb Plot?

Article first published as Is Yemeni Girl Student Victim of Terrorist Bomb Plot? on Blogcritics.

Arrest of Yemeni girl student aged in her early twenties sparked outrage among Yemeni student community. They believe the girl student was made a scapegoat in the plot. They protested against the arrest of the student and her mother in Sanaa University campus where the student, identified as Hanan Al-Samawi, is pursuing her 5-year engineering degree.

Sanaa University students' protest The accusation of Hanan’s colleagues that the she was made scapegoat seems credible for the following reasons.

  1. Yemeni authorities said the student was a medical student, whereas the student is actually an engineering student in Sanaa University in Yemeni capital Sana’a.
  2. Yemen police arrested the student after tracing through her telephone number left with Cargo Company. It is highly impossible that any bomb plotter would leave his/ her telephone number and ID cart when he/she sending bombs abroad with a view to blow up the aircraft in the air. It is quite illogical.
  3. The neighbors of the students house in a poor area stated that the family is pious but never appeared that they could be a part of a terror plot.
  4. Colleagues of the student say Hanan is not known to be a participant of any religious or political activities.
  5. Though the cargo planes originated from Yemen, they stopped at more than one stops before reaching U.K. and Dubai where the bombs were uncovered.
  6. Investigators are still attempting to retrace the routes of the cargo planes, which mean the originating points of the bomb plot are not credibly established.

Meanwhile, CNN reported on October 31 that the arrested student and her mother Amatilullah Mohammed were released quoting student’s father Mohammed Al-Samawi.

The counsel for the female student and a human rights activist said the arrest of student’s mother was illegal. Yemen has been under scrutiny ever since an attempt to detonate an US-bound plane on last year’s Christmas day. The latest bomb plots were detected with the information passed from Saudi Arabia, which has also been under severe pressure to take on terrorist organisation al-Qaeda since 9/11 attacks as attackers were of Saudi origin.

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