Sep 5, 2010

Israeli Bombing raids kill one Palestinian and injure another

Israel has carried out at least three bombing raids on Gaza Strip killing one Palestinian and injuring another. Palestinian officials said at least one more Palestinian was missing after the bombings. Israeli army said the raids were in retaliation to attacks carried out by Hamas for the past one week. Four Israeli settlers in West Bank were killed on last Tuesday in an attack said to be carried out by Hamas Islamist militants. Two were reported injured in another attack on Wednesday also attributed to Hamas.

The Bombing raids were mainly targeted at underground tunnels between Gaza Strip and Egypt. The raids were carried out even as direct talks were going on between Abbas and Netanyahu that were stalled after the deadly attack by Israel on Gaza in December 2007. More than 1200 Gaza civilians were killed in that attack.

Officials from the Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip were quoted as saying to the Associated Press agency that the men were smugglers working in tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border.

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